The Core Solution and How it works
Nutanix converges the entire datacenter stack, including compute, storage, storage networking, and virtualization. Complex and expensive legacy infrastructure is replaced by AOS running on state-of-the-art, industry-standard servers that enable enterprises to start small and scale one node at a time. Each server, also known as a node, includes Intel powered x86 or IBM Power hardware with flash SSDs and HDDs. Nutanix software running on each server node distributes all operating functions across the cluster for superior performance and resilience.
Figure 1.0 Nutanix converges compute, storage, and virtualization in simple, scalable building blocks.
(Source: The Definitive Guide to Hyper-Converged Infrastructure)
Benefits of Nutanix
- Simple and highly-available: Healthcare IT departments love simple infrastructure. They are under constant pressure to reduce operational costs while ensuring availability. Simple infrastructure requires less care-and-feeding and has fewer components that could fail. With HCI, some traditional infrastructure components are removed from the equation. No more proprietary storage array, controllers, or storage-specific connectivity.
- Handle growth: Healthcare IT departments are being asked to support more users. They need infrastructure that scales easily and linearly. They do not want to run out of capacity or performance on a system (compute or storage) and then have to stand up another full-size system just to support the next small group of users.
- VDI performance: Because of clinician mobility and the need for quick access to the EMR, VDI is very popular in healthcare. But we continue to see healthcare VDI projects stall or fail because of performance problems, usually caused by storage issues. With Nutanix, VDI infrastructure can’t be any easier. Size the system at xx/users per node, and deploy. Then, easily expand if you’d like. Because the storage comes with each node, there’s no impact to external systems. Our customers are proud of the performance improvements they experience after moving from 3-tier to Nutanix.
Notable Use Cases
There are various use cases for Nutanix, nonetheless it is primarily used to:
- Host database servers, active directories, mail servers and all other bare metal systems incorporated into one unit.
- Create an integrative private cloud in a data center, create a hybrid cloud, public cloud, and near-site data recording.
- Can be used for general virtualization, such as hosting Windows fileservers virtually, Virtual Apps & Desktops with Citrix and so much more.
- Data Protection & Disaster Recovery