G Suite Business

Enhanced Office Suite with Unlimited

Storage and Archiving


G Suite Business edition includes everything available with G Suite Basic, plus features listed below.

Unlimited Storage

  • Each user can store unlimited Gmail messages, Google Photos, and files in Drive. Organizations that received a Google for Nonprofits discount, or have 4 or fewer users, get 1 TB of Google Drive storage for each user.

Shared Drives

  • With shared drives, files belong to a team instead of an individual. If members leave, files stay where they are so the team can continue to share information and get work done.

Company-wide Search

  • Search for company content across Gmail, Docs, Calendar, and their other G Suite services.
  • Receive useful information and suggestions from assist cards.

Advanced Administrator Controls

  • Use Vault to retain, archive, search, and export your organization’s data for eDiscovery and compliance needs.
  • Advanced Drive audit reporting, custom alerts, and APIs.
  • Extra policy controls by restricting even more tasks to specific users.