
Barracuda Essentials for Office 365

Barracuda Essentials comes with a variety of advantages for security and backup services for Office 365. You can choose features and packages that appeal most to you and fit your business needs. It includes Advanced Threat Protection with enhanced zero-day protection. In addition, this solution only continues to evolve day by day. Security data from Barracuda sensors all over the world constantly feed back into your network, regularly updating your system’s machine learning engines with new information recorded in the wild. That means this solution just gets better and better with time and is the perfect solution for your organization.

Get the right email security solution

When a cybersecurity strategy is being planned, security personnel have numerous factors to put into consideration. There are various threat vectors today, and affecting organizations in different ways nevertheless, in this blog, we’re going to focus on email security. Why? Because according to research around 90% or more of data breaches start on email. Data could be compromised through a spear phishing attack, also malware contained in one malicious attachment could infect an entire organization’s network. This is why email is the threat vector security and IT leaders are most concerned about, and it’s also why choosing the right email security approach such as using Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) software is so critically important.

Barracuda Essentials Vs Microsoft Office 365


Barracuda Essentials ATP

Barracuda Essentials for Office 365 comes with a variety of advantages for security and backup services for Office 365. You can choose features and packages that appeal most to you and fit your business needs. The service consists of comprehensive email threat protection, archiving for compliance, and cloud backup and recovery.


Microsoft Defender ATP

Microsoft Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) is a cloud-based email filtering service that helps to protect an organization against unknown malware and viruses by providing robust zero-day protection, and also includes features to safeguard your organization from harmful links in real time.

